Люка Дебарг о своем пианино.

В последнем номере журнала "Le Pianiste".

Статья на английском языке..
English resume.
"My childhood piano
- My very first piano was an upright piano in a corner of my grandparents’ house. My grandmother was a musician, she played on it and accompanied singing. She used also to play during the Mass. My first attempts to play piano were to read her simple choral scores. They had this upright piano through all my teenage years and I isolated myself often there to decipher pages and pages of music.-
My working piano
- My own piano I bought only a year ago. It’s a simple Yamaha C2. It is very resistant and allows me to work for hours day and night when I am at home. I am very little at home but I have an apartment with a small soundproof room where I can happily return to my piano. I love this instrument’s neutrality; it has no special “personality” and it is possible to play anything on it. -
My ideal piano
- The question about the ideal piano is quite controversial. It can be a neutral instrument that allows one to play different programs. Or it can be a more challenging piano with a strong personality that stimulates creativity and brings new ideas. Since my ideal piano is imaginary, I’d choose without hesitation one which is resisting and needs to be tamed. But in the real world, we do not have that much time to try out different pianos."
